Our Roots
Terra Brasilis Retreats is all about getting back to our roots. Before country lines, before colonization, and before commercialism there was only the land, the waters and its native people. Terra Brasilis was the maiden name of my motherland Brazil, and is what I still consider the roots of the culture that raised me. It is from this essence that the mystical healing artists, adventurous explorers and land stewards of Brazil practice their crafts. Our mission is to connect the global community to the powerful spirit and ancient wisdom of Terra Brasilis, in hopes that it helps to heal, regenerate and catalyze the innate connection that all beings have to their own spirits and to our dear Mother Earth.
We believe in going back to a lifestyle based on reverence and awe for the natural world, and are dedicated to educating our guests on how to live sustainably with the land- and in so, with themselves. Developing a relationship to nature builds an appreciation, trust and intimacy that penetrates the core of one’s being. In looking at the ocean, we can learn about the changing tides of our own minds. In looking at the trees, we can learn how to root deeply where we are yet still reach in the direction of the Sun. In listening to the birds, we can learn the importance of communication within community. It is this kind of learning that enriches our souls with wisdom, and helps to restore imbalances caused by our systemic disconnection to the natural world.
While most people are not able to fully commit to a lifestyle of holistic congruence with nature, we can experience this profound way of living in an immersion experience. That’s why we have built a system which brings us back to the natural rhythms and cycles of nature. Even just a week with the intention to (disconnect from traffic, busy work, challenging interpersonal relationships, technology overload, and) connect with the majesty of nature will leave you feeling the purity of mind that is your own natural state.
Learning from the original people of the Terra Brasilis land is another way that we believe will keep us connected to nature and to Spirit. The tribes of Brazil and their simple lifestyles represent the importance of honoring ancestral roots and the wisdom that is carried within them. The healing modalities offered in each immersion (yoga, meditation, surf and alternative healing therapies) are designed to help you honor and heal this connection to your own roots. With this intention of deepening our connection to the past, we experience deep healing and understanding of our own importance in the chain of Creation.
“We wanderers, ever seeking the lonelier way, begin no day where we have ended another day; and no sunrise finds us where sunset left us. Even while the earth sleeps we travel. We are the seeds of the tenacious plant, and it is in our ripeness and our fullness of heart that we are given to the wind and are scattered.”| Kahlil Gibran