Three full healthy meals a day (with vegetarian and fish options) in additional to an afternoon snack, prepared with care by the chef Camila Taquari who has worked with healthy and tasty cookery for many years. She is graduated from Cooking School Wilma Kosevi and Sivamanda Yoga Vendata in nutrition ayurvédica in the Alain Ducase School in Paris, valuing the local foods, using flavors from the local kitchen and healthy recipes. The Ubatumirim Hinterland is also known for organic production of cassava, cambuci, juçara pulp and, of course, banana! The Cooking Bananal Ecolodge add these foods to your menu ecogastronômico, so named for adding value to local products. We seek to use local ingredients as much as possible to enhance your experience of the culinary culture of the land, as well as to reduce our carbon footprint.